Rangkuman dan Ringkasan Materi dan Contoh Beserta Soal Terbaru Teks Report Tahun 2021
visitors, alhamdulillah penulis ingin berbagi Rangkuman dan Ringkasan Teks
Report beserta contoh lengkap terbaru 2021. Di postingan ini juga dilengkapi
soal-soal drill latihan seperti worksheet, LKPD, Soal offline dan online Google
Form yang relevan. Berikut adalah sekilas mengenai teks report salah satu jenis
teks genre yang diajarkan di SMP MTs terutama kelas 9/IX.
Fungsi Sosial (Social
sebuah teks yang menyampaikan informasi mengenai subjek tertentu biasanya
berisikan fakta-fakta, deskripsi subjek tersebut terutama bagian-baian,
perilaku maupun kualitasnya secara umum(general).
Struktur teks (Generic
pernyataan umum yang menjelaskan subjek laporan, keterangan dan klasifikasinya.
Deskripsi/Keterangan (Description)
bagian dari teks report/laporan informasi yang memberikan gambaran, fenomena
dan situasi yang terjadi baik bagian-bagianya, sifat, kebiasaan, tingkah
antara Teks Report dan Teks Descriptive terletak pada
linkupnya, untuk teks report subjek dibahasa secara umum(general) sedangkan
teks deskripsi subjek yang dibahas khusus(spesifik). Selain itu untuk teks
report informasi disajikan secara lebih detail dan ilmiah.
Unsur Kebahasaan
(Language features)
a. Menggunakan
nomina umum (general nouns) contoh: reptiles in Komodo Island, Pigeons,
tornadoes attack America, dll.
b. Menggunakan
Verba kopula atau penghubung (relating verbs) untuk menjelaskan ciri, contoh:
sharks are dangerous animals.
c. Menggunakan
Verba tindakan (action verbs) dan menjelakan perilaku, contohnya: Birds fly, hurricanes
attacks buildings, dll.
d. Menggunakan
bentuk Present tense
e. Menggunakan
istilah ilmiah contoh: Water contains oxygen and hydrogen.
Contoh Text Report
(example of report text)
Contoh 1
The word robot comes from the Czech word
Robota which means labour or work. A robot is known as a machine that does the
work of a human being.
Robots are usually used to do repetitive
work which requires high precision. For instance, robots are used to produce
cars. Later, robots may also perform surgical operations on humans. A computer
could direct the procedure with excellent precision. Meanwhile, human surgeons
could control the progress by monitoring the operation on a large video screen.
Soon, robots may also do household
chores, such as sweeping and mopping. Robots may also be designed to do
dangerous jobs like cleaning the site of a nuclear accident.
Contoh 2
Grasshoppers are insects. People also
call them short-horned grasshopper because they do not have any nose. We can
find about 10,000 different species in many different parts of the world.
Like most insects, they lay eggs. Once
the eggs hatch, they change into nymphs. They look like little adults, but
don't have any wings and reproductive organs. The outer layer of their body
will get harder when they grow older. Grasshoppers' colours are mostly green,
brown, or olive-green.
A grasshopper's body is covered by a
hard exoskeleton. It consists of the head, thorax, and abdomen. Grasshoppers
have a series of holes located along the side of the body. They are called
spiracles. Spiracles help grasshoppers to breathe.
Grasshoppers are able to hop, walk, and
fly. They hop with their long hind legs. They use their short front legs to
grasp their prey and to walk. When grasshoppers rub their back legs together,
they will make noise.
Grasshoppers eat plants. In the
ecosystem, their predators include birds, insects, and reptiles. Grasshoppers'
eggs are also eaten by some flies.
Contoh 3
Flood is a natural event
or occurrence where a piece of land (or area) that is usually dry land,
suddenly gets submerged under water.
Floods occur at irregular intervals and vary in size, duration and the affected
area. Some floods can occur suddenly and recede quickly. Others take days or
even months to build and discharge.
When floods happen in an area
that people live, the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars,
furniture and even people. It can wipe away farms, trees and many more heavy
Flooding is extremely
dangerous and has the potential to wipe away an entire city, coastline or area,
and cause extensive damage to life and property.
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