Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester I Revisi Terbaru

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya penulis dapat menyelesaikan peta materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester I. Mapping materi ini disusun secara sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami. Outline materi ini paling tidak dapat memberikan gambaran penyebaran materi, kompetensi Dasar Pengetahuan (3) dan Keterampilan (4), kemudian social function, text structure, Language feature beserta Topic-related activities dari tiap chapter yang ada.
Peta materi, konsep, kurikulum 2013, kurtilas, revisi terbaru, Kelas X, Inggris
Outline Materi Inggris SMA SMK MA Kelas 10

Materi Kelas 10 SMA SMK MA Lengkap
Semester I
Chapter I
Social Function:
Introducing and mentioning identity to develop interactional communication with others
Text Structure:
Transac- tional text: Opening; exchange (talking about  iden- tity); closing
Language Feature:
Vocabulary: Name, Family relationship, Jobs, friends
Grammar: Pronoun
Topic-Related activities
-      Introducing oneself, parents, friends.
-      Writing e-mail

Chapter II
Social Function:
Congratulating and complimenting to develop interactional communication with others
Text Structure:
Transac- tional text: Opening; exchange (congratu- lating and compli- menting); closing
Language Feature:
Words related to adjectives, congratulating and complimenting expressions
simple past, present perfect, present perfect continuous; singular-plural
Topic-Related activities
Using different ways of developing interaction with teachers, friends, family members, especially, by congratulating and complimenting others

Chapter III
Social Function:
Telling and asking about intentions of doing something to develop interactional communication with others
Text Structure:
Transactional text: Opening; exchange (talking about intentions); closing
Language Feature:
names of recreational facilities, holiday and school activities. Grammar:
Would like, be going to (Future)
Topic-Related activities
Talking about intentions of doing weekend/ holiday/school activities and school projects

Chapter IV
Social Function:
Describing or presenting information about  a particular place and a historical building
Text Structure:
Descriptive text (identification, description)
Language Feature:
words related to ecotourism destinations and historical building
Noun phrases (structure of modification)
Topic-Related activities
Understanding descriptions of  ecotourism destinations and historical building and describing them.

Chapter V
Let’s Visit Niagara Falls
Social Function:
Describing or presenting information about  a particular place
Text Structure:
Descriptive text (identification, description)
Language Feature:
words related to recreational places
adjectives and adverbs (quite, very, extremely); verbs to describe;  passive voice
Topic-Related activities
Understanding descriptions of  recreational places  and describing them

Chapter VI
Social Function:
Giving information to public
Text Structure:
Opening; contents of announcement; closing
Language Feature:
Topic related words
Derivatives: Nouns from verbs
Topic-Related activities
Understanding and giving announcements

Peta Materi Bahasa Inggris  Kelas 10  Semester II

Silahkan klik link peta materi semester II (Genap) di atas untuk melihat secara detail yang semester genap.

Semoga peta outline materi Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris SMA SMK MA di atas dapat mempermudah para guru di dalam mengetahui penyebaran materi beserta serba-serbinya di semester gasal ini.

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda. Semoga bermanfaat. Salam sukses buat kita semua. Amin.
Almusto_Kangmus I'm interested in blogging

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