Soal Online Cloze test Simple Present Tense 2019

Hello, I am back again. Hi visitors, penulis kembali lagi dengan soal online cloze test atau teks rumpang. Kali ini penulis akan share soal cloze test Simple Present tense untuk kalimat nominal dan verbal sekaligus. Soal online ini dapat digunakan untuk latihan memahami materi konsep simple present.

Soal Teks rumpang ini terdiri dari 20 blank areas yang musti dilengkapi dengan be (kalimat nominal) dan verb (kalimat verbal). Kerjakan yang menurut anda lebih mudah terlebih dahulu baru yang sulit belakangan. Soal online cloze test ini penulis setting timer atau penulis beri waktu 20 menit untuk mengerjakan, jika lebih dari 20 menit anda sudah tidak dapat mengerjakan soal online lagi. So, manage your time, okay?. Setelah anda selesai mengerjakan soal silahkan klik “Check” untuk melihat hasil/skor atau nilai anda.

Inggris, Cloze, test, soal, online, Simple present, SMP, MTs, 2019
Soal Cloze test Teks rumpang via Hot Potatoes is amazing

Berikut soalnya. Selamat mengerjakan. Good luck!

Demikian untuk postingan kali ini. Semoga soal online teks rumpang tentang simple present tense di atas dapat memotivasi anda untuk semangat berlatih dan berlatih supaya ke depan lebih siap dalam menghadapi ulangan, dan sejenisnya. Terlebih konsep ilmu yang ada kuasai dapat dipergunakan bagi anda sendiri dalam berbahasa inggris.

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda. Semoga bermanfaat. Salam sukses buat kita semua. Amin.
Simple present tense (nominal and verbal)

Simple present tense (nominal and verbal)

Cloze test Simple Present tense

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Let me introduce myself. My name (1) Fayyadh Shidqi. I (2) the only child in my family. I (3) in Wonosegoro, On Jalan raya Wonosegoro. Precisely, at 15 Jalan raya Wonosegoro, Bandar. I (4) at SMP N 1 Bandar and I am the seventh grade now. I was born in Batang on August 29, 2004. My father, Mr. Mustofa (5) an English teacher in Junior high school. He (6) at MTs Walisongo Tulis and SMP N 8 Batang. He (7) a motorcycle to go to school. While My mother, Mrs. Trumiasih is a housewife. She (8) responsible for keeping the house. She (9) cooking and she often (10) new recipes by learning through the internet. My mom and dad (11) great parents for me. Talking about hobbies, I (12) fond of writing. I (13) a blog. My dad (14) it for me. He (15) a good blogger. I (16) a lot from him. Both of my father and I (17) bloggers. Playing football is another hobby of mine. I always (18) it in the afternoon. it is my activity before taking a bath. To tell the truth, Someday, I (19) to be a good writer and can create many useful books for people. I really (20) that my dream will come true. Ameen.
Almusto_Kangmus I'm interested in blogging

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