Belajar Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous ini mirip dengan bentuk Present perfect continuous, Cuma bedanya antara bentuk past dengan present. Bentuk past berlangsung di masa lampau sedangkan present terjadi hingga sekarang ini. Kemudian bentuk past perfect juga berbeda dengan bentuk past perfect continuous, jika past perfect menyatakan suatu action yang selesai sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi, maka past perfect continuous lebih menekankan duration/durasi action yang sedang terjadi sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi di masa lampau.

Past perfect continuous tense
Past perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous tense secara sederhana dapat didefinisikan suatu bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan action atau tindakan yang sudah dilakukan dan sedang berlangsung(durasi waktu) di masa lampau. Berikut adalah pola atau pattern dari Past perfect continuous tense:
S + Had been + V-ing

Untuk membentuk kalimat negatif (negative sentence) setelah Had + not
Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya (Interogative sentence) Had diletakkan di awal kalimat.


Santi had been waiting for her father for fifteen minutes when the bus finally arrived.
Santi had not been waiting for her father for fifteen minutes when the bus finally arrived.

Had Santi been waiting for her father for fifteen minutes when the bus finally arrived? Yes, she had. No, she had not.

They had been sleeping all day before I came by.
They had not been sleeping all day before I came by.
Had they been sleeping all day before I came by? Yes they had. No they hadn’t.

Complete the gaps with Past perfect continuous!
Mustofa __________________( teach) at elementary school for more than seven years before he moved to Secondary school.
Aunt Siti _______________ (stand) at the halte when the van suddenly hit her.
____________ (you-wait) for me at 07.00 p.m?
How long _______________ (she-work) in the factory before she died there?
I _____________ (try) to reply her many times before she finally read them.

Almusto_Kangmus I'm interested in blogging

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