Bahasa Inggris kelas 8: Asking, giving, and responding opinions

Pada kesempatan kali ini penulis ingin sharing materi pembelajaran siswa SMP/MTs mengenai ekspresi. Ekspresi yang mengungkapkan mengenai permintaan pendapat, memberi pendapat dan merespon pendapat tersebut.
Berikut ini adalah ungkapan atau expression yang digunakan:

Ekspresi Meminta, memberi dan merespon pendapat dalam Bahasa Inggris
COntoh kalimat yang mengungkapkan pendapat(opini) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta pendapat(opinion)

-      What do you think of….?
-      What do you think about …?
-      What’s your opinion of…?
-      What do you feel about…?
-      What can you say about….?
-      How do you feel about…?
-      Do you think….?
-      What’s your idea…?

Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberi opini

-      In my opinion…
-      In my view…
-      I think…
-      I believe…
-      I guess…
-      To my mind…
-      What I have in my mind…

Jawaban atau respon atas pendapat yang dilontarkan

-      I think so
-      That’s right
-      It’s true
-      I don’t think so
-      If I may say so,…
-      I disagree
-      I can’t say that

Contoh penggunaan ekspresi di dalam dialog:

1.   Erna:  What do you think of our English teacher?
Almusto: He is smart and teaches us clearly.
Erna : That’s right

2.   Ari : What is your opinion of smoking?
Ahdi : I think Smoking is not good for our health.
Ari : I think so.

3.   Hani : Do you think it will rain today?
Aryoso: I guess it is going to rain today because the sky is cloudy.
Hani: I don’t think so, The sun still shines.

4.   Paul: how do you feel about the 2014 election?
Likha: I believe that there’ll be many “golput”. Many people don’t                trust   the leaders in this country anymore. They have corrupted. 
                  Paul: I disagree. As a good citizen we must choose our leader. 


Mr. Amir
Look, everybody. I have a new English book. What do you think about it?

In my opinion, it is such an expensive book.

Mr. Amir
Very good. How about you Gani?

Well, I think it’s OK. I like that. It’s not thick and no expensive.

Mr. Amir
Good. Anybody has another opinion?

Yes, I have. My opinion is that the book is too thick.

Mr. Amir
Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students?

Yes, sir.

Mr. Amir
Great. You’re really smart.

Thank you.

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Almusto_Kangmus I'm interested in blogging

20 Responses to "Bahasa Inggris kelas 8: Asking, giving, and responding opinions"

  1. gak ada contoh yang lain ta mas? yg lebih variatif gitu.. :D

  2. Iya mbk nanti saya posting lagi yang lebih variatif..maturswun.

  3. Bisa minta tolong cantumkan judul buku referensinya gak mas?? Sekalian penerbitnya...
    Soalnya saya ada keperluan bikin makalah dengan judul "asking and giving opinion"...
    Terima kasih...

  4. izin menggunakan materinya ya pak

  5. It's so useful anmd helpful ! Thanks sir, I wanna see your next vids!

  6. Would u tell me how to make your tutorials? what apps?

    1. Do you mean the video tutorials? Well I use screen recorder. For animation videos, I use Plotagon application.

  7. Sip, jangan lupa subscribe di channel saya ya untuk mendpatkan update lagi yang lainnya.

  8. assalamualaikum pak saya sebagai murid, pak saya boleh gak minta jawaban nya soalnya sama sama di sekolah an saya


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